Thursday, August 20, 2015

Character Profile: Natal

Captain Natal

Yesterday I brought to you my Character Profile for Chaplain Oran which I wrote using this website's guide which I shared in a certain community today. For my post today I'm going to continue the creation of character profile for another character presented in the unfinished chapter 3. It was suggested that to further develop the character Oran I should interview her, while I've begun working on that I figured I'd present that a bit later and instead post this second profile since I've been having fun working on these. So without further preamble here is the Character Profile for Captain Natal

What is Their Age?Natal is an experienced soldier at the age of 23. This age makes her older than most of those under her but still much younger than the other leaders in the army.

What Does the Character Look Like?
Natal is tall for a human female, nearing six feet and standing taller while in her warplate. Her skin is dark like the goddess Betsol and her hair while not the favored Orange, is a brown headed in that direction. Natal's hair is worn in tight curls shorn short atop her head. Her eyes are a deep brown edging to black though they have a brightness to them in that she seems to be in high spirits or having just stopped laughing. Her lips are thick and constantly on edge of a smile, which is bold and brilliant while being full toothed. Natal is thick chested and solid through her core, her limbs are muscular and match her frame and fit the army that she wears. Her warplate with its enlarged pauldrons to protect her neck from the Vulk, is silver covered in black grime, the white tabbard worn on top graying from the smoke of her rifle, it's gold trim frayed. Over her heart's breast she wears the symbol of Sol, three triangular rays surrounding it denoting her captaincy. She carries a large falchion sheathed on her left hip and carries her rifle in her right hand, a satchel strapped to her right hip likely carrying her thunderstones. Her hands need to have something to do which leads to a fascination with her rifle.

Do They Use Any "Props"?
Her rifle will constantly be in her hands unless she's dropped it to engage with her falchion. She'll clean it, practice with it, or simply fiddle with it while conversing or walking.

How Do They Speak?
She speaks with what's considered a proper Capital dialect with its gestures. Her time with the army has increased her usage of blessings and blasphemies. She's a loud individual and her emotions swing from bouts of laughter to those of rage.

What Are They Like As a Person?
Natal was raised to the virtues of Betsol, but her time as a soldier has jaded her views of mortality and the Divinities. She believes the Vulk are a scourge to the mortal realm and takes pleasure in fighting them. She's fiercely loyal to her soldiers and to Betsol, but is not above taking her anger out on them. She's a talkative person when surrounded by soldiers but clams up around noncombatants and superiors.

What Do They Like and Dislike?Her first love would be roasted meat over the campfire, followed by conversation assisted with light Kamok Ale. Her second love would be killing Vulk, something that the Virtues would frown upon and she's not admitted to herself. She's got a bawdy sense of humor and enjoys the company of soldiers. She's uncomfortable around superiors despite being a career soldier and she's uncomfortable around Keepers. She's not a fan of the rain, but have you known a soldier that was?

Who Do They Know?
This is her second crusade with a majority of the same army. She's come to know the superiors in her army as well as the soldiers in her command. She's familiar with Chaplain Oran but she's not worked closely with her and has that uncomfortable feeling around her.

What About Their Past?
Natal is a career soldier having been the first child to her family. She was born in a larger village near the Capital and was sent to train with the Keepers pre-maturity around age 12 to train to become a soldier due to her lineage. During her first campaign she distinguished herself as a capable fighter and leader after rallying her company after they were ambushed by a Vulk horde which cost the life of many of her friends that she had grown up with in training.

What Is Their Role in the Novel?
Natal's role in the novel is to act as a foil to the protagonist Chaplain Oran. Being loud and bold where Oran would be timid, being sure of her command where Oran questions. She'll show Oran how to lead and act as an example for the change that Oran needs to make.

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